ski and snowboard club

The Hastings Ski & Snowboard Club is back! We will travel to Welch Village for six Tuesday evenings throughout January and February. Buses will load students from the middle school at the end of the school day, and transport them to Welch. Buses will return to Hastings at 8 pm.

  • Club advisors supervise on the bus and while at Welch Village.

  • Lessons are not offered through the club. All participants must know how to ski/snowboard, or have taken appropriate lessons before the club starts in January.

  • Please note that Welch will NOT be offering single day lift tickets to school clubs, nor any single day bus buy-ons. Once registered you will receive a unique link to a discounted Night Club Pass. This pass can also be used as permitted outside of the ski and snowboard scheduled visits throughout the season.

  • Ski/Board equipment can be dropped off in the morning and be stored in a secured storage closet at the middle school each Tuesday.  Location will be in your community education agreement.

SKI & SNOWBOARD CLUB REGISTRATION & FEES – Registration closes December 13th (this is a hard deadline set by Welch Village for the discounted Night Club Pass purchase)

There are TWO steps to registering for this club!  More pricing details below. 

  1. Register with Community Education

    (fee covers transportation, supervision and rental option) 

  2. Purchase a pass from Welch

    (fee covers lift ticket)

STEP 1 Register through Hastings Community Ed choosing one option below

  • OPTION 1. Transportation & Supervision only for 6 Trips = $180 (you have your own gear)

  • OPTION 2. Transportation & Supervision + Rental Package for 6 Trips = $420 (you need to rent gear)

    • Rental packages include skis, boots, poles, and helmet, OR snowboard, boots, and a helmet.

STEP 2 Purchase the Night Club Pass. All ski & snowboard club members must obtain a Welch Village pass (night or unlimited), purchased directly from Welch Village. Once registered through Community Ed, you will receive a link in your confirmation email on how to purchase the discounted Night Club Pass. You must be a registered participant for Hastings Ski and Snowboard Club to purchase from this link. The Night Club Pass (after 3 pm everyday) = $229 + tax. There is no pass price correction if purchased outside of the club discount.

At the time of registration, there will be three forms to sign off on before registration becomes official. The participant, along with the parent/guardian, are responsible for reading the information, understanding it, and agreeing to all information contained in each of the forms.

1. Ski & Snowboard Club Responsibility Code (Welch)

2. Ski & Snowboard Club Code of Conduct (Welch)

3. Ski & Snowboard Club Community Education Agreement